Thursday, February 19, 2009

More pics/stories

Ken came for a bit
Cousin Ben came to visit and we went all carnivourous in the German town in Adl.

Sherny lost his ring while at Justin's. He took it out while eating lunch. Needless to say, the first thought was, shoot, someone must have brushed it into the bin while cleaning up and Justin had already took out the rubbish. Yes, we then emptied the bag on the floor and went through it WITH OUR HANDS touching almost every single piece of rubbish in the bag looking for his lil ring...and thank GOD we found it there. and yes, when i picked him up from the airport, brought his baby photo to hold up. While ppl had big signboards with names, i had his baby photo.hehehe.

never treat your garbage collector with disrespect.

Sherny's first meal in Adelaide, courtesy of Handsome chai.

On CNY, which was also Australia day, was driving around town with the Aussie flag out one window and my Malaysia flag the other..but took the Malaysia down after awhile, figured some Aussies might find it disrespectful

Pics of the new place

Autumn leaves come early on the garage floor
The lil garden patch with a fountain thingy that we have to make sure is well maintained and the living things there don't die.

The garage which has a lovely wooden roof thingy (i thinks called a pegola..or something??) and there's a nice lil table with 4 chairs which i can go have tea and just chillaxx.

The Kitchen


Hall + new human being..hehe

Mint and parsley plant which was a gift from Kak Shaleeni. I left the parsley out when it was 40+ celcius and it died. Sorrrryyy..Mint's a bit more hardy, managed to survive the heat, trying to slowly bring it back to life again and use it in cooking. I have to say this, 'May, i walked past your lavender patch in Adl Uni today and thought of you.'

New Human being's room, he recently rearranged it, looks a bit diff now.

My personal space, it's connected to a balcony

My fav spot in the hse so far, often times, its just me and Him and the world around us..occasionally the new human being too. haha.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Quick one

Matthew 19:14 (New International Version)
14Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

I had to stand in for a brother at Children's Church yesterday on the guitar. Boy, what an experience. It was so just so refreshing just to see these young ones singing praises to our King.
Not to forget too, to be playing with such professional guys. The only experience i can recollect for now in terms of serving with children is back in Sunday School and it was sometimes very cincai if i can say that. hehe. But at church here, it's a whole new diff level. What happen to action songs like 'Jesus loves me this i know'. Now, its drum-led Hillsongs, 'I'm not ashamed of the gospel'. My ears were ringing after that. Different songs, different eras, different environment.. same God.


I just might sign up to join the worship team for Children's church. :)

shifted to a new place. pics coming up soon. still no internet hence the lack of updates and slowness in replying emails, plus uni started already and handsome biological brother just arrived.

internet should be up tomorrow..i hope :)