And just like that, it's almost 2009. Thank God i'm still in one piece. Made it through my second week at work and there's much progress in terms of the growing up side of me.
Celebrated my first ever Christmas without my biological family. I thank God for the other 'families' that i have here with me in Adelaide. Felt a bit like Chinese New Year at home coz we were going from one house to another just eating (food was a bit different, instead of chinese dishes, we had western stuffs) and the it was so hot!!! It's summer over here!!
On the 27th, couple of us 'remnants' went to experience the boxing day sales in Adelaide. For some reason, boxing day sales only starts on the 27th as opposed to the 26th for the other states in Australia. Made plans to be at the mall by 5.30 but i overslept. Thank God Erwin called and dragged me out of bed and manage to meet him and James at the mall at 5.45am. That particular mall only opened at 7 (we didnt know that) so being there so early, we were one of the early birds. And you know how the early birds always get the worms, each of us got a $103 dollars gift card. totally unexpected man. and it was David Jones (some mall which houses like really expensive brands, even after ridiculous discounts, i still think it's too overpriced).
Thank You Lord. :)
And right now, i would just like to take this moment to appreciate the one girl that has made me cry TWICE.
Ms. Lee Ee May.
You made a difference in my life.
missing you.
hope you have fun with chai chai and the rest. hehe.