Monday, September 3, 2007


While studying for the upcoming MCBT test today, i suddenly thought about home and how i long to be there.

I miss my family.



As each day passes, my heart beats even more as the 'day' approaches. I even had to sell my Switchfoot tickets. Double sniffs.

But greater still, i'm trying my best to contain the excitement and focus on Him. Time to hop on the roller coaster. wwooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo


jezamine said...

seat belts - checked

helmet - checked

good shoes - checked

chest protection (neh the rubber/cushiony thing that comes down from the top to hold u to ur seats)- checked

sword (haha, jz in case)- checked

shield (ermmm... sunshade =p)- checked

loud voice for screaming - checked


this is gonna b an exciting ride~

Wei Jin said...

i may need a cushion for my butt too. extra precaution. LOL