Sunday, November 16, 2008

At the threshold of a new era

If any of you, like me, used to watch TV3 at 6pm back in Malaysia, you would recognize the title of this aptly-named post as a familiar name of a popular Hong Kong series. man, I can't even remember what it was all about but i remembered watching it diligently everyday not understanding a single thing the characters were saying but just reading the malay subtitles.

And so, i find myself really in a very interesting position. I'm at the brink of another chapter in my life. After studying for a bit at the Uni library today, i decided to take a walk home instead of the usual bus. (also, i missed the free shuttle service from the city to my suburb..hah) But yea, used to walk home from uni, takes about 30-40mins and i really enjoyed it. Haven't had the chance to do it regularly since the surgery though. And yes, i sometimes enjoy long walks, especially when the birdies are flying around singing, sun is shining, flowers are blooming and the guys are playing some good football at the nearby field. (i can't waittt...haha)

From starting Uni in a lil place call Sepang Institute of Technology to coming over to the University of South really has been a journey. As i look back, there were times where i really did not like where i was in life, i really was impatient with how long i was taking to learn some of the things, how things were around me and not to mention all the moments when i wondered boy, am i really doing the right thing and things like, man, is this really me? (yes, i used to struggle A LOT with my self-esteem and self-identity, i would think that a person would finally be rid of all these struggles come 21 but i guess i can be wrong). 

I've come to see that God really does not make mistakes. Every single experience that i have went through, every single question that i asked and pondered on, every single person that i have met, every single classes i went for, this course that i am in and studying for (every single girl that i have had a crush on..haha..yes.even that!!!) ....EVERYTHING!!!!! had a purpose. Whether it being life-changing, character-building, emotionally-challenging... It had a pupose! I will not be who I am today if anyone of those experiences was not there. When I'm not doing anything, i can end up thinking a lot and i realized too every single thoughts played out in my mind has an impact. I guess i'm beginning to see how everything is a means to an end. (used to think that i was in the wrong course but i've realized that this is for me as it helped deal with some of the issues that i have been struggling with)

God is Faithful. . . . even when we are not.

I wrote the following in my blog description last year and i called it 'Home alone'. Home alone refers to this time of my life where i feel like i have been 'thrown into the lion's den'; everything that i once held so dear at home have been 'temporarily' removed from me and i need to learn to how to 'live' all over again. So,I'm hoping that maybe i will go 'home' changed...for the better, i hope. God Bless.

And i feel that a new season is beginning in my life which led to the new blog title.

Sojourn of a Pilgrim.

I look ahead and i see the one thousand and one ways of how things now can transpire and how it may affect me. I feel so grateful because i know that He is in control. I really feel His peace guarding my heart (Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus). He is really building me up and moulding me to be more like Him. I sometimes dream that i will one day first be a missionary and then end working in church leadership but i've come to realized that i am a missionary NOW and also a priest NOW. (1 Pet 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light) side note: i just realized that we are priests so that we can praise Him, again another reminder to me that this life is all about Him.

Yes, i still have a heart for my home, Malaysia but i'm beginning to have a more global perspective to where God may be calling me to. (maybe mission work in a foreign land first and then church in Malaysia?haha) and of course, things like these are HUGE and beyond me right now (i may end up doing something totally different, who knowss..) but I am His and He knows me better than i know myself. He knows what excites me and what I am created for.

Christianitytoday did a survey among some American pastors recently. The question put forward was 'is the Kingdom of God a present reality, future reality or both?' 37% said future, 20% said present whilst 33% said it was both. Interestingly, 58% of them said that they believed the kingdom of God is a future reality 10 years ago. I believe that the Kingdom of God is both but i may be wrong (haven't did much research on it yet, but will get to it one day) but the point I'm making is that there is also a shift in paradigm amongst the Church today. Whether for good or bad i dont know yet but i can only pray that His will be done with His bride.

And i ask Him now to see where i fit in His great scheme of things and what does He want me to do.

Aunty Mei Lin emailed me a devo from 'Our daily bread' and the following is an excerpt from it.

F. B. Meyer said, “What a chapter might be written of God’s delays! It is the mystery of the art of educating human spirits to the finest temper of which they are capable. What searchings of heart, what analyzings of motives, what testings of the Word of God, what upliftings of soul. . . . All these are associated with those weary days of waiting, which are, nevertheless, big with spiritual destiny.”  — David H. Roper

Be still, My child, and know that I am God!
Wait thou patiently—I know the path you trod.
So falter not, nor fear, nor think to run and hide,
For I, thy hope and strength, am waiting by thy side. —Hein


Anonymous said...

the wind blows wherever it pleases, you can hear its sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is it with everyone born of the Spirit.

do not worry about tomorrow...just trust and obey even if it seems unrealistic and not logical...indeed He is not logical. His ways are not our ways neither are His thoughts our thoughts!

::God's Fingerprints::

Anonymous said...

ohmygosh i know this series!!!

Anonymous said...

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and he will make your path straight.

Psalm 126:5 Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.

Psalm 127:1-2 Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labour; blessings ans prosperity will be yours.

Psalm 130:5 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his owrd i put my hope.

Anonymous said...

i know that movie too...used to be addicted to hk dramas =P