Monday, June 23, 2008

Random gratefulness

Something that the Housemate and Joker came up with. Haha. See, i've got such lovely friends. 

Just completed the first week of a 4 weeks placement in Helping Hand, an aged care facility in Ingle Farm. It takes an hour and a half to get there and another hour and half to return. Nutss..
I'm doing a project for them whereby i'll be looking into all the residents kidney function and their meds list and highlight those who are on renally cleared drugs and come up with a list of things to watch out for the nurses. It dosen't sound too big a deal but oh well, at least i can contribute something back to the local community. I think i might have to go in depth a bit on the drugs too or something like that. 

Oh, did i mention, it's winter already. I absolutely love blowing out 'white smoke' from the mouth or nose but i get so annoyed by baju which are still wet even after a cycle in the dryer. Ish.

Woohoo, 3 more weeks and i'm back in dusty ol Klang. But wont be able to see the handsome fella whos Perth-bound. Sobs.

I'm horrible at remembering important dates; forgot her birthday. Sorry.

Yes, as you can see, these are just random fleeting thoughts that are currently running in my mind.

Someone shared with me this. 

Do you struggle with pride? How do we deal with it?  What's our attitude towards pride?
Phillipians 2
 5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: 
 6Who, being in very nature[a] God, 
      did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 
 7but made himself nothing, 
      taking the very nature[b] of a servant, 
      being made in human likeness. 
 8And being found in appearance as a man, 
      he humbled himself 
      and became obedient to death— 
         even death on a cross! 
 9Therefore God exalted him to the highest place 
      and gave him the name that is above every name, 
 10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, 
      in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 
 11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, 
      to the glory of God the Father

A lifestyle of worship to Him would definitely help in keeping us humble.

On the bus the other day, I saw a mother who was struggling to keep her 2 young ones in check. They were literally crawling all over her and running around the place and she had so much trouble to get them on the bus and just to get them seated. She wasn't angry with them or shouting at them, but instead she was laughing and smiling all the way and joking with them. It was like the 3 of them were in their own world and they were contented. I was just brought to the past and had an image of Mum having me and doing her Masters at the same time. I must have been such a pain in the a#@$. Haha. Yet, i can also imagine her laughing and smiling and well, raising me up to be a man after His own heart. I still do crawl all over her at times and be a pain in the a#$%. Not to mention Pop who push me up and down in the sarong. I just hope to make Pop and Her proud. Someone told me that we Wong's are blessed to have such a heritage from our parents and I'm beginning to see that and understand that.

I am grateful for the amazing opportunities that i have been presented to mix with other cultures.
I spent almost the whole of last Thursday with an Australian and a Vietnamese.
I kicked the ball around the field with a Madagascan and a Korean.
I made friends with a Phillipino father of 2 young kids who has a heart for university students.
I had a free consultation with a Singaporean Physiotherapy student.
Not to forget, ALL THE BEAUTIFUL LOOKING MALAYSIANS. hehe. yes, we are a beautiful group of people.
It's not natural for me to open up just like that to new people. If you know me, I'm more of a shy person and my defence mechanism always comes into place when meeting new people. I go all reserved and into my own world. Trying to bypass that first mechanism too and slowly working through it.

I just told one of them, good friends = people who you absolutely love and adore and at the same time, you want to strangle them and kick their backside because they can become such a pain in the a#$%. haha
Forgive me for referring to the other end of the human body but i have been having problems there but thank God, its getting better. Haha.

God has been slowly directing me to things He wants me to do. Right now, it's be patient and wait upon Him.

I'm grateful to be Yours.


Anonymous said...

Wah u posted it so fast?
Rock on man!

Ee May said...

"Forgive me for referring to the other end of the human body but i have been having problems there but thank God, its getting better. Haha."

YOU ARE SUCH A LAUGH!! Do you still limp when you run/walk?